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検索キーワード「r33」に一致する投稿を関連性の高い順に表示しています。 日付順 すべての投稿を表示

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View Nissan Skylines For Sale R34 Skyline Models R34GT When first produced, the R34GT came with the RBDE engine but was later updated with an RBDENEO, which was and still is the most fuelefficient inlinesix engine The R34GT still maintained the 5speed manual but was also later upgraded to a Tiptronic style manualUsed Nissan Skyline R34 cars for sale in Australia Read Nissan Skyline R34 car reviews and compare Nissan Skyline R34 prices and features at carsalescomau

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A unified front bumper utilizing part of the genuine front spoiler for a design that provides effective air intake for the intercooler, radiator, oil cooler and brakes To most efficiently collect and guide the flow of air, the exterior around the oil cooler and brake air inlets is an air dam design, while the area around the lower part of the intercooler air inlet is a concave shapeGTR ZTune front and rear bumpers, GTR ZTune skirtsskirts adons, GTR ZTune front wide fenders, GTR ZTune rear wide wheel arches, GTR Vented bonnet as per picture of grey Skyline;Nismo then purchased 18 used R34 GTR V·Spec, each with less than 29,000 km (18,000 miles) on the odometer, they were then completely stripped and were resprayed to a "Ztune Silver," a special colour exclusively for the Ztune

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